Pet Food
Natural Nutrition
Specializing in Raw and Gently cooked foods delivered to your door.

Same or Next Day Delivery
Place your order online or call, text, facebook message or email us to order what you need delivered. We can deliver to your home or work place. You can select any method to receive you order, we have delivery or meetup 3 times per week.

Pickup Your Order
If delivery isn't possible let us know, we will be able to provide Meetup or Pickup service.

Along the Way
We have met so many great people, and their Fur-friends. We have come to know you. We'll see you when we deliver your order, or when we meetup, we are also going to be attending some events and giving out samples as well and will keep you updated.

Step 1
Choose from a brand of raw, dehydrated, freeze-dried foods, plus treats. All of them are Naturally Delicious. Order online, via phone, text., facebook chat or email.

Step 2
We bring the store to you! Whether you order online, via phone or text or email, we will ensure you get your order in a timely manner.

Step 3
Tell us where you would like to receive your order. Choose a meetup location or have it delivered to your door. It's easy and convenient.

Step 4
Delivery or Meetup lets your fur-friend enjoy their favourite items as often as you like, our online store is open 24/7.
Why Nose to Toes?
Expertise & Passion
We are always happy to help and provide a personalized service that lets our decades of experience and talent in the areas of pet care, pet grooming, pet nutrition and animal behaviour assist you with providing a complete Wholife approach to your Fur-friends well-being.